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Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) Engages Admedia Communications Ltd in the Provision of Online Content Development and Global KenyanTea Digital Campaign Services for AFA – Tea Directorate

Kericho tea farms Admedia Engaged to Conduct Global Digital Campaign to Market Kenyan Tea by Agriculture and Food Authority 1
Admedia Communications
Admedia Communications
Duration: 19 February 2018 - 23rd March 2018

About the Client

Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) is a state corporation in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, and Corporatives, established by the Agriculture and Food Authority Act No. 13 of 2013 to operationalize the Crops Act No. 16 of 2013. The role of the Authority is to Regulate, Develop and Promote Scheduled Crops value chains for increased economic growth in Kenya. The Tea Directorate is one of the Departments under the Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA).

Kericho tea farms Admedia Engaged to Conduct Global Digital Campaign to Market Kenyan Tea by Agriculture and Food Authority 1
Photo Courtesy of Pinterest
Kericho tea farms Admedia Engaged to Conduct Global Digital Campaign to Market Kenyan Tea by Agriculture and Food Authority 2 1
Photo Courtesy of Pinterest

The Challenge

Tea is Kenya’s Number 1 export, and worldwide, Kenyan tea is famous for its quality.  In a bid to expand its market share, maintain its popularity, and remain at the top of its competitors, the Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) resolved to conduct a digital promotion and marketing for Kenyan tea so as to create more traction by engaging the lovers of the Kenyan Tea both locally and internationally through the popular social media channels.

So as to get things in order, and to make an online impact, Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) was determined to find the best fit when it came to the Provision of Online and Content Development Services as this was the first time that the Tea Directorate was making an online move. AFA needed an experienced team that would be able to handle all the Tea Directorate social media activities and create meaningful engagement.

Kericho tea farms Admedia Engaged to Conduct Global Digital Campaign to Market Kenyan Tea by Agriculture and Food Authority 3 1
Photo Courtesy of Pinterest

The Solution

Admedia Communications Ltd was contracted by AFA to Provide Online and Content Development Services for Tea Directorate under AFA. This was a big project for us and required a lot of commitment to meet the client’s expectations. We had to come up with a working plan and strategy to ensure the success of the project.

The first step was coming up with the campaign objectives:

  • To highlight the Kenyan Tea Culture showing the role tea plays in people’s lives.
  • To put more emphasis on Kenyan Tea Culture online as compared to our global competitors.
  •  To highlight tea as the common denominator of all cultures within Kenya.
  • To answer the question of why the Kenyan Tea is of the best quality compared to the rest.
  • To highlight the Kenyan brands of tea.

The second step was campaign audience segmentation. This was to help us to know which channels to use for which groups:

  • General public for increased awareness
  • Families/ holidaymakers into Kenya
  • Upper and middle income urban and rural women who are family budget holders.
  • Young people in the age 16 to 35 years old based on their position as strong influencers of purchase decisions. 

The third step was identifying the social media channels to use and creating an account for each. We created

Facebook Account:

Twitter Account Link:

Instagram Account:


The digital campaign kicked off after the successful creation of all the designated platforms towards the assignment after which we embarked on a five-week calendar of activities.


At the end of the 5-week long campaign, we were able to achieve the following:

Number/Network Growth

Facebook Page Link: Twitter Account Link:

Instagram Account Link:

Website Link:

Facebook: Total Likes 2,264


Twitter: Total Followers 571


Instagram: Total Followers 1,220


Web Portal: Total Website Views – 774


Facebook: Total Page Engagement – 3,147

Twitter: Total Reach – 1,570,722

Instagram: Total Post Reach – 6249


Facebook: Total reach: 19,697

Twitter: Total impressions: 7,335,748 

Instagram: Total impressions: 27,387

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