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Admedia Communications Video Crew during the NBA AFD Basketball Experience Launch in Nairobi Kenya
Admedia Communications
Admedia Communications

Nairobi May 6, 2024. AdMedia is excited to announce its partnership with Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the  National Basketball Association (NBA) , and the Kenya Red Cross for the Basketball Experience (BE) engagement in Kenya. This initiative is part of the broader AFD and NBA partnership, focusing on combining basketball and education to promote sustainable development goals (SDGs) across several African countries. The project aims to build and renovate basketball courts, implement socio-educational programs, and raise awareness about the SDGs through sport.

AdMedia will provide strategic communication solutions for the three-year partnership offering wide-range coverage across all activities in the program. This partnership affirms AdMedia’s commitment to developing not just sports, but also the community at large. “At the heart of our teamwork is a shared commitment to using media, sports, and humanitarian efforts to make positive changes and help communities. In our partnership, we’re not just working together; we’re touching the dreams of young, aspiring basketball players,” emphasized Jacob Ouma, Group Managing Director of Admedia Communications. 

This partnership will see the birth and production of compelling campaigns, informative documentaries, creative sports storytelling sessions, engaging social and other media content, and a top-of-the-range public relations initiative. It offers an opportunity to redefine perceptions, empower communities, and drive sustainable development. “Together, we’re creating a brighter future for Eastern Africa,” Ouma added, highlighting the transformative power of sport in achieving long-term societal benefits.”

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