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SERD Program

SERD program documentary by admedia communications 6 scaled
Admedia Communications
Admedia Communications
Save the Children and the Consortium Partners (Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Windle Trust Kenya (WTK), AVSI and Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)) with funding from the EU are implementing a three-year (Dec 2012 – Dec 2015) education programme in Dadaab Refugee Camp and the Host Community of Dadaab and Fafi districts in Garissa County, Kenya.  The project is being implemented in five refugee camps (Dagahaley, IFO Main, Ifo 2, Hagadera and Kambioss) and two host Community Districts namely Dadaab and Fafi. The intervention, titled Support to Education for Refugees in Dadaab (SERD), aims at contributing to the strengthening the delivery of effective, high quality and relevant education services to children and youth in the Dadaab refugee camps and host community. The activities implemented are in line with the Joint Strategy for Education in Dadaab (JESD) 2012-2015, which was developed by agencies delivering education services in Dadaab to identify and address the gaps in the delivery of formal and alternative education services.

The specific objective of SERD Consortium is to ensure the right to education is realized for children and young adults in the Dadaab refugee camps and the host community. To achieve this objective, Save the Children and its partners aims to achieve the following results;

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